discernment man praying

Discernment is the art of listening to our inner selves and learning to recognize the voice from the Holy Spirit.


Discernment for the Lay Carmelite involves listening to God's still, small voice. His "call" to us is to imitate Christ by following a Rule of Life established many years ago by the hermits on Mt. Carmel. As we take the first steps by becoming a guest at a community meeting, we begin a process of discerning whether this way of life is for us.

The full process of discernment takes at least seven years, and is a two-way street whereby both the community council and yourself discern whether or not you truly have a vocation to Carmel.

By the time you first make contact with the Carmelite Order, you've already gone a long way in discerning whether or not you may have a call. While learning about the Order and what is required of you on a daily basis, you strengthen your confirmation that this is ultimately where God is leading you.

The feedback you receive from the community council will further confirm your intuiting of God's voice. Below is a prayer for Discernment:

"You have led me to desire Your will and often Your will seems beyond me, but You, O God, are my friend and I know that You are with me always. In Your presence, calm my fear.

Grant me eyes to see You in your creation, and to recognize in humanity the image and likeness of Your Son.

Grant me ears that are attentive to Your Word. May I respond with love to Your call.

Grant me the desire to reach out and embrace all people with Your love, to be Your hands in the world.

Grant me the courage to echo in my life the Yes (Fiat) of Mary and the passionate fidelity of Elijah Your prophet.

May I seek Your will in all things.

May I live my faith in You and be a sign of hope for the world."