Pope Francis announced the canonization of Blessed Titus Brandsma, O. Carm., will take place on Sunday, May 15, 2022


Dear Directors,

I have attached the "Who's Who" table that reflects the results of the September General Chapter. Everyone in your community should have a copy and it replaces page 82 in the Phase I Formation Manual. Please be sure that your Formation Director and Formation Team receives this updated information.

Thank you!

Cindy A. Perazzo
Provincial Coordinator

 Who's Who

Prayers for the people of Ukraine


As you are aware, the situation in the Ukraine has become extremely difficult with the conflict with Russia breaking out into warfare. The Curia in Rome has been in contact with the Prior Provincial of Poland as that province has two communities in the Ukraine. The Provincial wrote back last night: 

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To the Most Reverend Fathers 
Joseph Chalmers 
Prior General of the Order of Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (O.Carm.) 
Camilo Maccise 
Superior General of the Order of Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (O.C.D.) 

1. The providential event of grace, which the Jubilee Year has been for the Church, prompts her to look with trust and hope to the journey we have just begun in the new millennium. "At the beginning of this new century", I wrote in the Apostolic Letter Novo millennio ineunte, "our steps must quicken.... On this journey we are accompanied by the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom ... I entrusted the third millennium" (n. 58). 

The Office of Liturgical Celebrations at the Vatican has announced that a Ordinary Public Consistory will be held on Friday, March 4 at 10:30 AM in the Sala del Consistoro of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. Pope Francis will preside over the celebration of the Terce and the Consistory.

Three blessed are listed for consideration. Blessed Titus Brandsma, martyr, is one. Others listed are Blessed Maria Rivier, the foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary and Blessed Maria di Gesù, the foundress of the Congregation of Cappucine Sisters of the Immaculate of Lourdes.

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On May 25, 2021, the Congress of Theological Consultors recognized the miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Titus Brandsma, O. Carm., Relating to the scientifically inexplicable healing of Fr. Michael Driscoll, O. Carm.


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The Marienfeld Lay Carmelite Community of Midland celebrated their 30th anniversary on May 18th, 2018.  They were given a Day of Reflection at Our Lady of Grace Carmelite monastery in Christoval by Fr. Terry Sempowski of Darien, Illinois.

Fr. Terry told us about his visit to the home and Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux in France.  He talked about the keys to St. Therese’s holiness:  the holiness of her Father, receiving the Eucharist, Confession, and listening to the homilies at daily Mass.  He also stressed the importance of eliminating the idols in our lives—Carmelites are called to be “idol-smashers!”

We were reminded about the importance of our parish family and our Carmelite Community—no one grows in holiness in isolation.