May 5
Saint Angelus
Priest & Martyr

Angelus was one of the first Carmelites to come to Sicily from Mount Carmel. According to trustworthy
sources, he was killed by unbelievers in Licata during the first half of the thirteenth century. Acclaimed as a martyr, his body was placed in a church built on the site of his death. Only in 1632 were his relics transferred to the Carmelite Church. Veneration of St Angelus spread throughout the Carmelite Order as well as among the populace. He has been named patron of many places in Sicily. Even to the present time devoted persons invoke him in their needs & faithfully honor him.

From the Common of One Martyr, except the following

Office of Readings


Deeds of Angelus the angels 

Gladden, heav’n his portion due

And his martyr’s death so noble

Make him like to Jesus too

God’s own people, dear & pleasing

Sing of Angelus the prais;

Carmel, earth, & Sicily’s isle

All their happy voices raise.

Noble thoughts on high ascending

Vices lessen, virtue flowers;

Angelus with deepest feeling

Earth contemns & all its powers

Often dwells his mind on heaven

And on paradise’s joy;

Unto Carmel’s fold he hastens

Called by Christ while yet a boy

Truths of faith he taught with power

Virtue’s sum in him resides; 

Pure and chast, of peace the dwelling

Angelus in heav’n abides

To the Father praise & triumph

Due acclaim unto his Son;

Honor, power, benediction

To the Spirit with them one

Ordinal of Sibert de Beka (c. 1312), Ed. B. Zimmerman Tr. Joachim Smet, O.Carm.

The Second Reading

Ch. 1 and passim

From the Flaming Arrow by Nicholas of France, prior general

Every creature moves the interior man to give praise to the Creator

Your FIRST SONS on Carmel, O holiest of Orders my Mother, were like stones mortared together in unfeigned charity, who held aloof from the least violation of what they had vowed when they made profession; while yet they strove, at home in their cells, to “ponder God’s law” & “watch at their prayers,” not because they were compelled to, but happily, moved by joy of spirit. 

Remember, beloved Order, your worthiness in the days when you never failed to regale your hermits, our saintly forefathers, with spiritual sustenance of the richest, in pasturage unequalled, and to lead them forth to waters of unparalleled refreshment. 

I tell you, my brothers, it is from Carmel that the brethren must climb to the Mountain- all those who deserve to be called “Carmelites,” in other words, who, on account of the excellence of their lives, will go from strength to strength in steady ascent from the Mount of the Circumcision of Vices until they reach, as they surely will, the Mountain which is Christ. 

In the desert all the elements conspire to favor us. The heavens, resplendent with the stars & planets in their amazing order, bear witness by their beauty to mysteries higher still. The birds seem to assume the nature of the angels, & tenderly console us with their gentle caroling. The mountains too, as Isaiah prophesied, “drop down sweetness” incomparable upon us, & the friendly hills “flow with milk & honey” such as is never tasted by the foolish lovers of this world. When we sing the praises of our Creator, the mountains about us, our brother conventuals, resound with corresponding hymns of praise to the Lord, echoing back our voices & filling the air with strains of harmony as though accompanying our song upon stringed instruments. The roots in their growth, the grass in its greenness, the leafy boughs & trees- all make merry in their own ways as they echo our praise; & the flowers in their loveliness, as they pour out their delicious fragrance, smile their best for the consolation of us solitaries. The sunbeams, though tongueless, speak saving messages to us. The shady bushes rejoice to give us shelter. In short, every creature we see or hear in the desert gives us friendly refreshment & comfort; indeed, for all their silence they tell forth wonders, and they move the interior man to give praise to the Creator – So much more wonderful than themselves. 

Isiah writes in figure of this joy that is to be found in solitude or in the desert: “The wilderness shall rejoice & shall flourish like the lily, it shall bud forth and blossom, & shall bud forth & blossom, & shall rejoice with joy & praise.” And we find in the psalms: “The beautiful places of the wilderness shall grow lush, and the hills shall be girded with joy.”

Each wise solitary, resolute his flight from the dangers of the world, longs to be so indissolubly united to Christ, the cornerstone, that he might say effectively with the Prophet: “It is good for me to adhere to my God, to put my hope in the Lord.”


How goodly, sweet Jesus, is your inebriating chalice; none so happy as those who can say in good conscience: 

---”The Lord is the portion of my inheritance & my cup” (alleluia). 

It is you who will restore my inheritance to me. 

---“The Lord is my portion of my inheritance & my cup” (alleluia). 

Morning Prayer


Angelus, you left Carmel in order to prepare the way of the Lord. By your witness strengthen your brethren in holiness & justice all the days of our life (alleluia). 


God our Father, 

Strength of the faithful & crown of martyrs, 

by your grace Saint Angelus was called 

from Carmel to triumph victorious over the torments of martyrdom. 

By his prayers grant us that faithfully following his example, 

we may bear witness to your presence & goodness until death. 

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son 

who lives with you & the Holy Spirit. 

God for ever & ever


Evening Prayer


Angelus, you once were a glorious companion on our pilgrimage. Now you have reached the eternal shores while we remain in our time of trial. Be for us a sure guide, and pray that we too share heave’s delights (alleluia). St