“Elijah came upon Elisha & threw his cloak over him. Immediately Elisha left the oxen & ran after Elijah as his attendant” (cf 1 Kgs 19:19-21). Elisha was filled with the spirit of Elijah; among the many signs he performed, he cured Naaman of leprosy & raised a dead child to life. He lived among the sons of the prophets & in God’s name he frequently intervened in the affairs of the Israelites.
Mindful of its origin on Mount Carmel, the Carmelite Order desired to perpetuate the memory of the great prophets’ presence & deeds through the liturgical celebration of Sts. Elijah & Elisha. Thus the General Chapter of 1399 decreed the celebration of the feast of St. Elisha. Through his fidelity to the true God & by his service to God’s people, St. Elisha effectively illustrates the meaning of the prophetic office in our day.
Let us worship the Lord who has worked wonders through the prophets.
Office of Readings

Let all the court of heaven above and all the creatures here on earth give glory to almighty God and at Elisha’s fame rejoice.
‘Twas he the great Elijah chose, endowed with wisdom’s gift by God, & called him from his daily tasks< to lead the band of Carmelites.
While living still upon this earth, he yet had power over hell; a soul he summoned from the grave & to its earthly form restored.
He cured the wounds of leprosy of Naaman the Syrian; and when he offered rich rewards, would not exchange his gift for gold.
His heart beheld with deep concern the widow woman’s poverty; he caused the oil to multiply, & freed her from the weight of debt.
After his body was consumed & to the tomb in peace consigned, its very touch at once revived others, themselves deprived of life.
Unto the one & triune Lord be praise forever & acclaim; may he accept Elisha’s prayers & lead us to our home above.
I will raise up a prophet for them from among their brethren.
-- He shall tell them all that I command him.
First Reading
2 Kgs 2:1 – 15
Elijah is taken up to heaven
When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, he & Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. “Stay here, please,” Elijah said to Elisha. “The Lord has sent me on to Bethel.”
“As the Lord lives, & as you yourself live,” Elisha replied, “I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel, where the guild prophets went out to Elisha & asked him, “Do you know that the Lord will take your master from over you today?”
“Yes, I know it,” he replied. “Keep still.”
Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here, please, Elisha, for the Lord has sent me on to Jericho.”
“As the Lord lives, & as you yourself live,” Elisha replied, “I will not leave you.” They went on to Jericho, where the guild prophets approached Elisha & asked him, “Do you know that the Lord will take your master from over you today?”
“Yes, I know it,” he replied. Keep still.”
Elijah said to Elisha, “Please stay here; the Lord has sent me on to the Jordan.”
“As the Lord lives, & as you yourself live,” Elisha replied, “I will not leave you.” And so the two went on together. Fifty of the guild prophets followed, & when the two stopped at the Jordan, stood facing them at a distance. Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up & struck the water, which divided & both crossed over on dry ground.
When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask for whatever I may do for you before I am taken from you.” Elisha answered, “May I receive a double portion of your spirit.”
“You have asked something that is not easy,” he replied. “Still, if you see me taken up from you, your wish will be granted; otherwise not.” As they walked on conversing, a flaming chariot & flaming horses came between them, & Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. When Elisha saw it happen he cried out, “My father! my father! Israel’s chariots & drivers!” But when he could no longer see him, Elisha gripped his own garment & tore it in two.
Then he picked up Elijah’s mantle which had fallen from him, & went back & stood at the bank of the Jordan. Wielding the mantle which had fallen from Elijah, he struck the water in his turn & said, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” When Elisha struck the water it divided & he crossed over.
The guild prophets in Jericho, who were on the other side, saw him & said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” They went to meet him, bowing to the ground before him.
Elisha saw it & cried out, “My father! my father! Israel’s chariots & driver!”
- and the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha
Elisha said: “May I receive a double portion of your spirit.”
- and the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha
Second Reading
Sermo 87
From a Sermon of Saint Ambrose, bishop
The healing of the waters, a type of the Church
What shall we say about the merits of Elisha? The first thing we praise him for is that he wanted to surpass his father [Elijah] in grace, for he asked for more than Elijah was able to bestow. Although he was greedy in his request, he was nonetheless worthy to have it granted. For while he demanded more from his father than Elijah had to give, through his own merits he enabled him to bestow more than he possessed.
Following his master’s ascent, when Elisha arrived in Jericho, he was invited by the townspeople to remain with them; they said: this is an excellent site for the town, except that the water is bad & causes sterility. He then asked for a clay jar, filled it with salt, & went to the place where the water was coming up out of the ground; he threw it into the water saying: “Thus says the Lord: ‘I have purified these waters; never again shall death or sterility come from them.’ “ & those waters remain pure even to this day.
So we see how remarkable Elisha’s merits are: in response to the citizens’ hospitality his very first gift to them was great fruitfulness.
For by healing the water, he provided for their posterity. What he did was not for the benefit of any one person, or any one family: it was for all the people of the entire city. Had he delayed, they would all have been sterile & grown old without descendants, & the city would have been left deserted. Thus, by healing the waters Elisha healed the people; & by blessing the spring, he provided them as it were with a fountain of life. For just as through his blessing good water came forth from the unseen veins in the earth, so too from the seclusion of their wombs mothers gave birth to healthy children.
For Elisha did not bless only the water that was already flowing into the spring’s basin, but rather all the water without distinction which was yet to flow little by little form the earth’s hidden moisture even until now. As Scripture has it, Elisha blessed the place where the water was coming up out of the earth, to indicate that it was the flowing water rather than the basin of the spring that he had sanctified.
Thus, as the Apostle Paul says, all these things happened as signs; let us try to discover, therefor the truth contained in this sign. The church is the sterile city which, before the coming Christ, suffered from sterility due to the pollution of the waters – that is, to the idolatry of the gentiles - & was unable to bring forth children for God. But when Christ came & took on the fragile clay of the human body, he healed the pollution of the waters; that is, he banished the idolatries of the gentiles, & immediately the church, which had been sterile, began to be fertile.
Thus the Apostle also says: Rejoice, you barren one who bear no children; break into song, you stranger to the pains of childbirth! For many are the children of the wife deserted – far more than of her who has a husband! For Christ brought to birth more children from the church which had been sterile than he had from the synagogue which had been fertile.
Elisha went out to the spring & threw salt into it, saying: “Thus says the Lord, ‘I have purified this water.
-- Never again shall death or miscarriage springfrom it.”
And the water has stayed pure even to this day, just as Elisha prophesied.
-- Never again shall death or miscarriage spring from it.
Morning Prayer
Grant to us, your sons, Elisha songs that ring with fervor due, praise upon our lips bestowing, of your wondrous deeds & true. By almighty God anointed, master of the prophets’ school, at a garment’s touch converted, with Elijah you were one.
87.87.D. Ut possint Claris commendare sonis
Ant. 1
Elisha said: Let Naaman come to me & find out that there is a prophet in Israel.
Psalms of Sunday, Week I
Ant. 2
When the minstrel played, the power of the Lord came upon Elisha & he prophesied.
Ant. 3
During his lifetime he did not fear even princes, nor was anyone able to overcome him.
Scripture Reading
Sir 48:12b-14
During his lifetime he feared no one, nor was any man able to intimidate his will. Nothing was beyond his power; beneath him flesh was brought back into life. In life he performed wonders, & after death, marvelous deeds.
Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind
and the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha.
Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle
and the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha.
Glory to the Father…
Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind, & the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha.
Blessed be the King of heaven & Lord of prophets, who instructs the faithful through the mouth of his holy ones; through his deeds he makes known the way of peace & salvation, & through the intercession of Elisha he sets us firmly upon the path to heaven.
In times past, God spoke & worked through the prophets, but today he is present to us through his Son, the Incarnate Word. Let us invoke him with perseverance:
Make us witnesses of your word
King of prophets, you filled Elisha with the spirit of Elijah
- stir up in us that prophetic gift which each of us has received in the sacrament of baptism
Word of the Father, through the Holy Spirit you inspired the prophets to be your spokespersons;
- grant that all pastors & ministers of the word may proclaim your word with integrity & fidelity.
Healer of body & soul, through the prophets you worked wonders for the infirm & the needy;
- heal the sick, strengthen the wavering, protect the defenseless
Bread of angels and of men, through the prophet Elisha you relieved the hunger of the people;
- fill your disciples with a sense of solidarity and communion with the needy & poor of the whole world.
Source of mercy, through Elisha you extended mercy even to the enemies of Israel;
- may all your disciples be ministers of compassion & reconciliation.
Our Father…
O God,
protector & redeemer of mankind,
whose glories have been proclaimed through the wonders accomplished by your chosen prophets,
you have bestoed the spirit of Elijah on your prophet Elisha;
in your kindness grant us too
an increase of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
so that, living as prophets, we will bear constant witness to your abiding presence and providence.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son
who lives & reigns with you & the Holy Spirit
God for ever & ever
Evening Prayer
Gladly this joyful day of June with fervent prayer we celebrate, & Carmel’s height resounds with song, to honor great Elisha’s name. Holy Elijah, known of old, at God’s command anointed you with holy chrism he granted you his double spirit, prayer & deed.
Soaring aloft in car of flame, your father leaves his cloak behind; parting the wavers, with dry-shod feet you treat the waves & gain the shore, Taught by the Lord, you prayed & lo! the Shunammite conceived a child; after it died, you summoned it, O greatest prophet, back to earth.
Praise be to God, the source of all, and to his Son & Spirit too; one act of homage we employ our triune God to glorify.
L.M Prima lux surgens Idibus peractis Tr. Joachim Smet, O.Carm.
Ant 1
Elisha answered: The Lord lives, whom I serve.
Psalm 14(15)
Lord, who shall be admitted to your tent
and dwell on your holy mountain?
He who walks without fault,
he who acts with justice & speaks the truth from his heart;
he who does not slander with his tongue.
He who does no wrong to his brother,
who casts no slur on his neighbor,
who holds the godless in disdain,
and honors those who fear the Lord;
He who keeps his pledge, come what may;
who takes no interest on a loan
and accepts no bribes against the innocent.
Such a man will stand firm forever.
Elisha answered: The Lord lives, whom I serve.
Ant. 2
Elisha went with the sons of the prophets to build a place to live.
Psalm 112
Happy the man who fears the Lord,
who takes delight in all his commands.
His sons will be powerful on earth;
the children of the upright are blessed.
Riches & wealth are in his house;
his justice stands firm for ever.
He is light in darkness for the upright:
he is generous, merciful & just.
The good man takes pity & lends,
he conducts his affairs with honor.
The just man will never waver:
he will be remembered for ever.
He has no fear of evil news;
with a firm heart he trusts in the Lord.
With a steadfast heart he will not fear:
he will see the downfall of his foes.
Open-handed, he gives to the poor;
his justice stands firm for ever.
His head will be raised in glory.
The wicked man sees & is angry,
grinds his teeth & fades aways;
the desire of the wicked leads to doom.
Elisha went with the sons of the prophets to build a place to live.
Ant. 3
The king said, Tell me all the great things that Elisha has done.
Canticle: Rev 15:3-4
Great & wonderful are your deeds,
O Lord God the Almighty!
Just & true are your ways,
O King of the ages!
Who shall not fear & glorify your name, O Lord?
For you alone are holy.
All nations shall come & worship you,
for your judgements have been revealed.
The king said, Tell me all the great things that Elisha has done.
Scripture Reading
2 Pt 1:19-21
Besides, we possess the prophetic message as something altogether reliable. Keep your attention closely fixed on it, as you would on a lamp shining in a dark place until the first streaks of dawn appear & the morning star rises in your hearts. First you must understand this: there is no prophecy contained in Scripture which is personal interpretation. Prophecy has never been put forward by man’s willing it. It is rather that men impelled by the hOly Spirit have spoken under God’s influence.
Short Responsory
This is a man who loves his brethren,
- & fervently prays for his people
He gives his life for his brethren,
- & fervently prays for his people.
Glory to the Father…
- This is a man who loves his brethren, & fervently prays for his people
Today Elisha, Carmel’s mentor, proclaims the greatness of the Lord of hosts; through him the Lord casts down the mighty & raises up the lowly. Glory to you who have received your servant into the kingdom of peace.
Let us acclaim our God who has wrought marvels through the word of his prophet, which is like a lamp shining in a dark place until the first streaks of dawn appear. Let us pray to him:
Pour forth your prophetic spirit on the ministers of your word.
King of the universe, you have guided the leaders of the people through the prophet Elisha;
- pour out your wisdom & valor on those who govern nations that they may promote peace & justice for all.
Prototype of every community, you inspired Elisha to live among the brotherhood of prophets as one of them;
- bestow on the family of Carmel a sense of unity & harmony with all your children.
Lord of justice, you raised up Elisha to proclaim both your rights & those of your people;
- strengthen in society that sense of righteousness which is a pledge of true peace.
Jesus, the prophet Elisha was sent to help those who could not help themselves & so became a type of your own mission to your least brethren;
- watch over those in every condition of life, assist widows & orphans, provide food for the hungry.
Lord of the living & of the dead, through Elisha you restored a child to life;
- show your great mercy to our brothers & sisters who have died.
Our Father…
Prayer as at Morning Prayer.