August 12 Optional Memorial |
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Isidore Bakanja was born in the Belgian Congo (Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) around 1885; he became a Christian in adolescence, the first Catholic in his region. He nourished a tender devotion to Mary by means of the rosary and the scapular. He was diligent in spreading the faith, and he shed his blood when he was mercilessly scourged for refusing to take off the scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. His agony lasted more than six months. While praying for his murderer, he died on August 15, 1909.
From the Common of One Martyr, except for the following:
Office of Readings
The Second Reading
Witness to the faith, crowned by martyrdom (From the Homily of Pope John Paul Il for the Beatification of Isidore Bakanja)
You were a man of heroic faith, Isidore Bakanja, a young layman of Zaire. As one of the baptized, called to spread the Good News, you learned to share your faith and testified to Christ with such conviction that you seemed to your companions tobe a catechist. Yes, Blessed Isidore, truly faithful to your baptismal promises, you were indeed a catechist; you labored generously for the Church in Africa and her mission of evangelization.
On this day when we proclaim your merits, we would like to pay homage to all catechists who work to build up the Church On the African continent. Catechists are the indispensable coWorkers of priests among their people, and their work prepares, accompanies and completes that of the priests. In numerous periods of history they have enabled the faith to survive persecution. They were true shepherds who knew their sheep and whose sheep knew them. When it was necessary, they defended the flock at the cost of their own lives. Catechists are fully aware that many of their brothers and sisters are not yet members of the fold and are waiting to hear from their fraternal concern the proclamation of the Good News. In all they do, catechists give genuine witness to Christ, the one Shepherd.
Isidore, your sharing in the Paschal mystery of Christ, in that supreme work of His love, was total. Because you chose to remain loyal at all costs to the faith of your baptism, you suffered scourging like your Master. Like your Master on the Cross you forgave your persecutors; and you showed yourself to be a builder of peace and reconciliation.
In an Africa sorely tried by ethnic strife, your shining example is an encouragement to harmony and reconciliation among the children of the same heavenly Father. You practiced brotherly love toward all, without distinction of race or social condition; you won the esteem and respect of your companions, many of whom were not Christians. Thus you show us the path of dialogue so necessary among all men.
You invite us, after your example, to accept the gift of his own Mother that Jesus made to us on the Cross. Clad in "Mary's habit", you advanced, like her and with her, on your pilgrimage of faith; like Jesus, the Good Shepherd, you gave yourlife for the flock. Help us, who must take the same path, to raise our eyes to Mary and to take her as our guide.
R. They will flog you; this will be a witness before the Gentiles.
-- For no pupil outranks his master.
He who will not take up his cross and come after me is not worthy of me.
-- For no pupil outranks his master.
Almighty and eternal God,
who called Blessed Isidore to the light of faith
and made him a martyr for Christ,
by his merits and intercession,
grant us to love all people and to pray for those who persecute us.
Through our Lord.