July 9 Blessed Jane Scopelli Virgin
Optional Memorial |
Born in Regio Emilia in 1428, Blessed Jane took the Carmelite habit, living at first in her home and later in the monastery founded in that city, where she became prioress. She had a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She died in 1491. |
From the Common of Virgins, except the following: |
Office of reading: Second Reading
Mystical life with Mary We have shown previously how the deiform and divine life, life in God, is to be practiced. Here we shall show how the mariform and marian life is to be practiced. In order to live in God, we must, in all our actions, omissions, and sufferings, perform the will of God. We must accept with a loving and reverent attitude of soul whatever trials may come to us whether they arise from within ourselves or come from without, whether they are inflicted by our fellow-men or by the demon himself. And we must keep our soul turned towards God, in contact with the Divine Essence as with the very air we breathe. Thus did our Savior allow his works to be performed by his Father abiding within him, and thus did he labor and live with his soul lovingly and reverently inclined towards his heavenly Father. Likewise can we live in Mary, our Mother, most worthy of all love. We can live in Mary if we will strive, in all our deeds and omissions, in our penances and trials and afflictions, to preserve and promote within ourselves a filial, tender inclination of soul towards Mary also – if we will strive always to aspire towards Mary as towards our most loving and most beloved Mother in God. Our love will then flow, as it were, from God to Mary and from Mary back to God. It would seem that sometimes the Spirit of God causes such life in a soul through a superior gift of love. This gift brings about a superabundance or overflow of divine love which is then directed towards Mary, only to return again from her to God. “Because you are sons of God, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father,” writes Saint Paul. From this we learn that the Spirit of Jesus abides in the children of God, producing in them, according to their capacity, a tender love for God the Father. But just as this Spirit produced in Jesus a filial love for his Eternal Father, so it also produced in him a filial affection for his most dear Mother, and this it will continue to do for all eternity. Is it any wonder, therefore, if the Spirit of Jesus which, in the hearts of the children of God cries Abba, Father (that is, produces love for the Father of Jesus), also cries from those same hearts Ave, Mater (that is, produces filial and reverential love an affection for Mary), even as happened in Jesus himself during his lifetime and happens now in heaven? Therefore, to souls in love with Mary these words might well be addressed: “Because you are the sons and daughters of Mary, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, there to cry out: Ave, Mater” – that is, there to produce filial, tender love for Mary as a most dear and worthy Mother. For it is one and the same Spirit of Jesus which produces all in these souls; namely, both divine and marian love, without hindering either. Only think how this took place in Christ without prejudice to the highest perfection, and you will realize how it can take place in certain of Mary’s chosen children without prejudice to the contemplative life of perfection. This all seems to be understandable enough. For what wonder is there if the Spirit of Christ, where it lives and dwells, has diverse operations: contemplation and love of God and contemplation and love of Mary, and so on? One and the same Spirit of Jesus, as we have said, accomplishes all this in the faithful soul, according to the capacity of each one and the desire of the Spirit. Responsory I count as nothing all the things of this world because of the love of Jesus Christ my Lord: him I have seen, him I love, in him I have believed, for him I long. We bear in our bodies the suffering of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies him I have seen, him I love, in him I have believed, for him I long. |
Morning Prayer: Use the Psalms of the day, reading and intercessions from common of Virgins |
Benedictus She is led to the king with her maiden companions. They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the palace of the king. |
Prayer Lord our God, may the witness of your faithful bride the virgin Blessed Jane Scopelli awaken the fire of divine love in our hearts. May it inspire other young women to give their lives to the service of Christ and his Church. Grant this through our Lord. |
Evening Prayer: Use the Psalms of the day, reading and intercessions from the common of Virgins |
Magnificat She praised Mary all her life, giving glory to God. |