November 9th, 2019:

Venue St. Edith Stein Catholic Church in Katy. 

Retreat Master:   Fr. Leopold Glueckert


The Lay Carmelites of the South Texas Region presented their 2019 Day of Recollection at St. Edith Stein church in Katy, Texas, on Saturday, November 9th, 2019. The theme was “Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi”, and the presenter was Father Leopold Glueckert, O. Carm. A total of 70 Lay Carmelites and some guests were present at the event, which was part of the Continuing Formation of the members of the four communities in the Region.

Fr. Leopold,who traveled from Chicago to make this one day presentation, is a specialist in Carmelite history. He oriented his talks to the history of the saint and her times, while including her spiritual life and some of her mystical experiences.

The day’s program began at 8:00am with Morning Prayer in the church followed by Mass which included the Receptions of new Community members and the Temporary and Final Professions of some of the older members. Fr. Leopold gave three presentations on our Saint, and concluded with a question - and - answer session. Lunch was catered by Chick-fil-A., and Evening Prayer closed the day.


Mary Magdalen de Pazzi

Born in Florence in 1566, to a wealthy family. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi had a religious upbringing and entered the monastery of the Carmelite nuns there at an early age, over the objections of her father. She had a personal relationship with Jesus and had many conversations with him. She led a hidden life of prayer and self-denial, praying particularly for the renewal of the Church and encouraging the sisters in holiness. Her life was marked by many extraordinary graces and mystical experiences. She died in 1607. Her feast day is May 25th. Her incorrupt body can be seen in a Carmelite monastery outside Florence.







A prayer:

you love those who give themselves completely to your service,
and you filled St. Mary Magdalen de'Pazzi
with heavenly gifts and the fire of your love.
As we honor her today
may we follow her example of purity and charity.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.