Venue: Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, Lake Dallas, Texas

Retreat Master: Fernando Millan Romeral, O.Carm


June 24-26, 2016

Finding Joy in Our Hearts Through Our Carmelite Faith:
On the weekend of the 2016 Texas Regional Lay Carmelite Retreat, Texas region Lay Carmelites were blessed to attend a Regional Retreat on the shores of Lake Dallas, Texas, at the Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House. The event was led by The Most Reverend Fernando Millan Romeral, O. Carm, Prior General.  The topic, Titus Brandsma, Carmelite Mysticism for Today, was marked by the advancement of Bl. Titus’s cause for sainthood on the morning of the opening of the  Retreat.

The retreat was observed predominantly in silence
with intermittent periods of solitude for personal reflection,
contemplation and prayer.  This allowed the participants to truly process
and digest all that was being shared about the life of this extraordinary
Carmelite.  It was explained by Fr. Fernando that
“Silence is for our hearts; to empty them to be filled by Him.”
Father Fernando encouraged the attendees to “Look to the needs of others
and let your own problems go…we are ALL missionaries of HOPE.”
As a Community, we learned that Titus Brandsma is a shining example of
such a missionary – a man of God and a missionary of hope.  Through his
Carmelite Faith, Titus never lost his joy, despite the horrors and darkness
he encountered in the final months of his life in the German concentration
camps and prisons.   His missionary work was directed toward his
captors/tormentors via his unwavering compassion…a hope that restored
the faith even of his executioner.  By his Carmelite faith, darkness turned
into joy as Titus was cradled in God’s hands throughout his persecutions
and finally his execution.
Fr. Fernando finalized the retreat with key points for our personal reflections
such as asking do we feel joy in God’s hands in our own times of darkness? 
Do we seek reconciliation with our transgressors?  Do we, as Carmelites
promote spiritual communion?  Are we allowing Mother Mary to drive us
to the heart of the Gospel?  What is our Carmelite passion?  
Do we find joy in our hearts through our Carmelite Faith?